Monday, 15 September 2014

Parties Polices

The Civilian Party policies.

  1. lose the pay gap between men and women by working to reduce men’s wages. 
  2. Alleviate poverty amongst children by giving every poverty-stricken child a llama as a means to a basic income.
  3. End discrimination against social majorities. No more special services just for Maori; no more car parks just for disabled people; no more hip operations just for people who need hip operations. 
  4. Relegalise illegal legal highs. The recent government crackdown on these products was overzealous, and there is no reason that perfectly legal substances should be illegal.
  5. Make Wellington airport safer by moving it to Christchurch. 
How to set up your own political party

There are certain requirements that all political parties must adhere to in order to apply for and maintain their party registrations. They are:
  1. An acceptable party name (and any abbreviation).
  2. Satisfactory evidence of at least 500 eligible members.
  3. Statutory declarations from its party secretary concerning membership, intention to contest general elections and advising of any component parties.
  4. Party membership rules showing what is required for current financial membership, and candidate selection rules which provide for the democratic involvement of members in the process.
  5. An auditor (or person who has agreed to be auditor when the party is registered).
  6. A party secretary with a postal address and contact details.
  7. Either the secretary, or a sitting MP who is a current financial member of the party, to make the application.
  8. $500 application fee.

Name your party: Animals are life.

Create a policy for
HEALTH: Medison for them so they can live for longer.

EDUCATION: Help them understand what we are.

DEFENCE: Band poachers. So they can live a better life without having to worry about being pouched.

ENVIRONMENT: Keep the forest clean.

1 comment:

  1. 1.Banning poachers. I think this is a good one because we won't have to worry about poachers coming around.

    2. Keeping it clean. I think this is bad because what are we going to clean?

    It is alright Jessie but it is not enough, you haven't really put in detail so it sounds like your party is doing not that much. But on the bright side, you did as much as you can and you thought of a good party name!
