Wednesday, 11 June 2014

invisible soldier.

Clarify: I thick the video invisible soldier is about a man that in the army and his perception is a sniper who hides away and gets people from a long destine away so he is invisible to the opposition. a sniper is a person who shoots from a distance.

A. 8 years
Q. How long ago did the amy spend 5 billion dollars of Camouflage?

A. Camouflage
Q. What are the army planning to change? There......

A. A material pattern which can be used to camouflage soldiers in any terrain or environment.
Q. What type of pattern do the soldiers want.

A. The invisible cloak.
Q. What are the people that are making tis product calling it.
A. Quantum stealth technology.
Q. What type of technology have the army seen.

A. By bending the light around the person.
Q. How do you make the invisible clock work.

A. Snipers.
Q. What weapon will the invisible clock help when in battle or attacking from a field.

A. No, you don’t need a power source.
Q. Do I need a power sours for this invention.

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