- I was on a boat my mum said run. I said why theres nothing to run from. then I fell in and landed on a fish.
- I went to the school dance when mum was away. hope she doesn't find out. she won't let me go ever again.
- I turned my class into a kingdom. I took over the school and made it mine.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Short Stories
Have a look at these very short stories. They are from Twitter which allows you only 140 characters (including spaces). Write 3 stories in 140 characters or less.
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Answer these questions:
How many Chinese characters are there altogether?
- There are about 6-8'000 characters.
How many characters does an educated person know?
- An ejected person knows about 2-3'000 characters.
How old are Chinese characters?
- Chinese characters are about 3'000 years old.
Why are some Chinese characters called pictographs?
- Because some of them are Images and are not letter.
What 2 characters join together to make ‘good’?
- Women and child.
What 2 characters join together to make ‘television’?
- Electric And Vision.
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Photo 1: I think this photo is about someone standing out in front of all the other people surrounding him.
Photo 2: I think this message is telling you to make sure you look left and and left agin.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Picture Message.
I think this picture is about how a book or and article their is a better image but in a film it's has less detail. I think this because under the water you can catch a better image but on top of the water it's an ok photo but it has less detail.
Look at these photos.
Photo 2 What are 2 possible messages for this photo?
I think this image is about a rugby team huddling around their coach. I think this because all the people around the out side are in the same colour and the man in the middle is read.
Photo3 What are 2 possible messages for this photo?
I think this image is about a horder that has never thorn anything out. I think this because the image look like a garage that has never been clean.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Fact & Opinion.
Watch this video which explains the difference between fact and opinion.
How can you tell the difference between fact and opinion?
How to tell the difference Between fact &opinion?
To tell a fact & a opinion apart you need to see.
- (fact) Lions Have 4 legs.
- (Opinion) Blue is the best colour ever.
Write 3 facts and 3 opinions about one of these topics:
- Frogs
- Facts
- Frogs Live in forests.
- Some Frogs are green.
- There are some very venomous frogs.
- Opinions
- Frogs are cute.
- Frogs are ugly.
- Frogs are a good pet.
Play this fact and opinion game.
Monday, 24 March 2014
Favourite APP
My favourite App Viber.
Some things you can do with Viber is you can call and text people for free even if they are over sees.
How Viber works is basically, for you to call someone else on viber, the other person and your self have to be connoted by 3g or wifi.
Here is a link: Click Here
The main features are.
Some things you can do with Viber is you can call and text people for free even if they are over sees.
How Viber works is basically, for you to call someone else on viber, the other person and your self have to be connoted by 3g or wifi.
Here is a link: Click Here
The main features are.
- You can contact anyone in the world.
- It's free
- And a good sours of communication.
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Kia Kaha
Kia Kaha Lesson 1
Constable Den
- How?
- Victim.
- Bullies.
- Bystanders.
- Isolation.
- What is bulling?
- Power & Control.
- Repeated.
- To hurt our feelings or body.
- Types of bullying?
- Verbal.
- Physical.
- Cyber.
- Gesturing.
- Peer Pressure.
- Sexual.
- Emotional.
- Intimidation.
- Isolation.
- Humiliation.
Missing flight
Write 10 questions to research about the airplane disaster which has been in the news lately.
- How far did the plane go with out petrol?
They don't know exactly but they have found and object in the water about 75 miles away from base land.
- What was the flight number?
- How did the plane go off rout?
They don't know.
- Were did the plane end up?
They think in the middle of the indian ocean.
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Picture story
There was a
who was a very
. She has a
and a brown
she’s also as small as a
. And her name is
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Its & it's
Directions: fill the blank with either it’s or its.
- it’s about time you showed up!
- It was its first time out of the cage.
- its feet were covered with sand.
- Get up, it’s time for school.
- I’m glad to see you; its been a long time.
- it’s important to study hard for tests.
- The bear protected its cubs.
- it’s my turn to go down the slide.
- The dog felt great with its new hair cut.
- it’s too late to eat dinner.
- My car is old and its paint is peeling.
- The bird realized that the wind had blown its nest away.
- The game came to its conclusion.
- Turn down the music, it’s hurting my ears.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Thursday, 13 March 2014
a) Too is a word which is often confused with to. Research to find out when we should use too. (Too has two meanings, what are they?) Explain in your own words in your post.
- Also.
- Very.
b) Write four sentences using too. Two for each meaning.
- I'm going to try out for the production are you going too.
- I need some help too.
- It's too hot today.
- I'm to cold today.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
- If someone owns something. Heres and example: The children's faces
- In time Expressions. A day's pay
- When something belongs to someone.
- The man's beard is very long. ( the beard belongs to the man)
- When the word doesn't belong to something or someone
- When you shorten a word (you are You're).
- To shorten words.
- Give 3 examples:
- Those are Rm41 and Rm42's chocolates.
- Mrs Mills's students are not as fast at sprints as Miss Campbells.
- Kodi's budgie lost it's tail feather in a flying accident.
How to barf, puke or vomit in space
a) Make a T chart which has 3 of the pros and 3 of the cons of being sick in space.
- Brushing you teeth.
- Going toilet.
- How to go to sleep.
- How to eat.
- How to brush your hair.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Caught on camera
A python Catches a crocodile he strangles it for lunch.
A python Catches a crocodile he strangles it for lunch.
Monday, 10 March 2014
NFC tags
a) Research and find 5 facts about NFC tags (what they are, how they work, where they are being used etc). Write up the 5 facts in your post.
- What are NFC tags? NFC tags are smart little chips that'll allow to to snag digital information with your smart phone at a short range.
- How do they work? NFC tags are considered passive devices, which means that they operate without a power supply of their own and are reliant on an active device to come into range before they are activated.
- Where are they being used? NFC tags are used at petrol stations, Some Supermarkets and a few other small businesses.
b) What is good about NFC tags?
- NFC tags are really helpful for any time of the day or night.
- You can use them to your ability.
- They are easy to use.
c) What is one potential weakness of NFC tags?
One potential weakness is someone could put a vireos on your NFC tags and they can mess up you phone.
Sunday, 9 March 2014
Homophones Your & You're
a) Your and you’re are homophones. Why are they homophones?
Your and you're are Said the same my Spelt different.
b) Explain IN YOUR OWN WORDS! (no copy and pasting) when should we use your and when should we use you’re?
your: When talking about ownership of something.
you're: When Describing someone els.
c) Write 3 example sentences using your and 3 example sentences using you’re. These sentences should be about YOU and your life and not be copied and pasted.
- How's your puppy ?
- Where is your house ?
- Can I please use your iPod ?
- You're very pretty.
- You're at school today.
- you're on time today what a surprise.
d) Write 2 sentences OF YOUR OWN which contain both your and you’re.
Hi how's your puppy o you're at school today.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Here is the trailer to 12 years a slave Click here
12 years a slave a Oscar winning movie set in the 1800's in america. Chiwetel Ejiofor plays the main character in the movie, Solomon Northhup. A new york state born free American African man who was kid napped in washington, D.C., in 1841 and sold into slavory. He worked on plantations in the state of Louisiana for 12 years before his realise. the first scholarly ideation of Nothup's memoir co-edeted in 1968 by Sue Eakin & Joseph Logsdon.
Solomon was tortured he was hungry and thersy all the time he had to do what hi had to to stay alive.
12 years a slave a Oscar winning movie set in the 1800's in america. Chiwetel Ejiofor plays the main character in the movie, Solomon Northhup. A new york state born free American African man who was kid napped in washington, D.C., in 1841 and sold into slavory. He worked on plantations in the state of Louisiana for 12 years before his realise. the first scholarly ideation of Nothup's memoir co-edeted in 1968 by Sue Eakin & Joseph Logsdon.
Solomon was tortured he was hungry and thersy all the time he had to do what hi had to to stay alive.
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
2014 Oscars
The 2014 Oscars were held yesterday and our Class had to do a blog post here it is.
Which movie won best picture?
12 years a slave
- Who won best actor? What movie did he win it for?
Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Byers Club
- Who won best actress? What movie did she win it for?
Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
- Jared Leto won best supporting actor. What does best supporting actor mean?
Golden Rooster for best supporting actor is the main category for competition of Golden Rooster Awards. Awarding to supporting actor who have outstanding performance in motion pictures.
- Name 3 other categories of Oscar award.
- Best animated feature
- Best Original song
- Best costume design
- Describe what the Oscar trophy looks like.
It's a gold man standing on a black platform holding a sawd
- Name 2 movies which were nominated for the best picture Oscar but didn’t win.
- The wolf of wall street
- Caption Phillips
- Her
- Add a picture of the actress that you think has the best dress
Sandra Bullok
Monday, 3 March 2014
a Conversation with a parent when I first returned from camp.
(Grandma) "How was camp was it fun?"
(Me) "Yes it was amazing I played paintball for the first time and got hit it hurt, what a rush"
(Grandma) "O it must of been fun then"
a conversation between Miss C and you about Tech this week
(Me) "How do we find out our tech group?"
(Miss C) "I emailed it to you"
(Me) "Thanks"
a conversation between you and a friend about the food at camp
(Me) "How did you like the food at camp Leka.
(Leka) "it was Yummy"
(Me) "I think so to"
(Grandma) "How was camp was it fun?"
(Me) "Yes it was amazing I played paintball for the first time and got hit it hurt, what a rush"
(Grandma) "O it must of been fun then"
a conversation between Miss C and you about Tech this week
(Me) "How do we find out our tech group?"
(Miss C) "I emailed it to you"
(Me) "Thanks"
a conversation between you and a friend about the food at camp
(Me) "How did you like the food at camp Leka.
(Leka) "it was Yummy"
(Me) "I think so to"
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